Professional Deputies and Trustees support

Providing specialist financial planning, trust accounting and investment expertise to deputies and solicitors dealing with vulnerable clients, personal injury, clinical negligence and compensation derived from these claims.

How do we support you?

Pre-Settlement - Our  forensic  accounting  team  has  extensive  experience  of assisting solicitors with all aspects of personal injury claims, including loss of earnings and loss of pension. Matters often arise from road traffic accidents, industrial diseases, clinical negligence and workplace accidents. Where the injured party is self-employed, runs their own business or has a more complex structure to their earnings, our expertise is invaluable.

Post-Settlement - Specialist Financial Advice - We work with both Professional Trustees  and  Court  Deputies  to  implement  strategies  to  meet  current  and future obligations. We understand that, where the capital has come from an award of personal injury damages and claimants cannot earn a living any more, their damages award is vital to their future financial wellbeing. As their circumstances change over a lifetime, we can adapt their financial plans and investment strategies accordingly.

As a firm of Chartered Financial Planners we will work to understand the balance between your client’s need for present cashflow and the long-term capital preservation that can protect future income.

We provide...

  • Cashflow  Modelling - This can really bring your clients’ personal financial situation to life to see a clear visual display of how future finances will look from a cashflow point of view.
  • Cash  Management  Services - Providing  a  range  of  services  for  powers  of  attorney, court of protection deputies and trustees. This includes searching for  the  most  competitive  rates  from  instant  access  up  to  5  years  and/or  structuring  the  cash  portfolio  under  the  Financial  Services  Compensation Scheme (FSCS).
  • Investment  Solutions - Our  philosophy  is  to  utilise  active  management solutions as we believe in the skill and judgment of professional fund managers to  choose  where  to  invest  and  have  the  ability  to  manage  the  underlying assets according to economic and market conditions.

Our  Investment  Committee,  supported  by  extensive  external  research  and expertise, monitors the whole of the market to choose the best options available across different risk profiles and asset allocations.

Other services we offer

  • Professional Trustees - We are highly experienced professional trustees for a wide spectrum of trusts, including Personal Injury Trusts, and can offer guidance and support where required for both lay and professional trustees.
  • Court  Appointed  Deputies  -  As  a  deputy  you  will  need  to  manage  the protected person’s money and assets in a manner which reflects their best interests so they remain appropriate and meet their current and future needs. When preparing annual court reports, we work with you to demonstrate that you  have  consulted  and  made  decisions  based  on  appropriate  advice  and  supply you with proper and correct accounts which record all investments to submit to The Office of Public Guardian (OPG).
  • Court Appointed Deputies, Trustees and Attorneys - Whether a professional or  lay  person,  deputy  or  trustee,  our  accountancy  services  are  designed  to  ensure  tax  bills  are  minimised,  tax  returns  are  completed  accurately  and submitted on time. In the case of Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) annual returns we work closely with both professional and lay deputies to ensure accurate and timely submission of OPG returns. We offer a fixed fee for this service.
  • Payroll Services - As a professional deputy or attorney you take responsibility for the management of the of the claimants day to day needs financial affairs which could include the direct employment of other professionals services, for example, a privately recruited support team. We can provide tailored payroll services to allow you to focus on the ongoing management of their finances and budgeting. 
Contact our Financial Planning team on 0808 144 5575 to discuss how we can help you.

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