All family businesses have a uniform requirement to comply with legal requirements for accounts, tax returns, VAT, Payroll, etc. Our history of supporting, advising and protecting family businesses of all size allows us to deal with you based on your circumstances and to give you the right solution for your business.
Over the years we have seen everything that can go wrong but also everything that goes right in family businesses and the margins between the two can sometimes be very small. If a business is planning for the future and getting the right advice from the most appropriate professionals at the key times, the chances of success are much greater.
At Armstrong Watson we don’t just support you with your compliance requirements, we want to understand your business, the challenges you face, and through our mutual partnership, ensure you grow to become the best you can be.
Family & Owner-Managed Business Survey Report 2024
At the end of 2023 and five years on from our 2018 report, we asked family-owned, privately owned and owner-managed businesses to share their views on the opportunities and challenges they face - both now and in the next three years. Just under 300 participants completed the survey and here we share those opinions and offer our thoughts and summary of the results.

Download the family business report 2024
Family Business Report 2018
The family business report created back in 2018, identifies the issues and opportunities faced by family businesses when looking to the future. It was one of the biggest surveys of its kind in the UK with a record number of respondents from all over the country giving their thoughts and providing a good insight into the state of play at that time for family businesses in Britain.
Download your free copy of the 2018 Family Business Report by clicking on the link below.

Download the Family Business Report