Updated templates make furlough claims easier


Employers making CJRS claims can now access two updated templates, making it easier to add the details of multiple employees.  

It comes ahead of the deadline for furlough days in May, which must be claimed by 14th June 2021. 

HMRC has updated its templates to help employers get their claims right first-time and provide all the information needed to ensure their claims aren’t delayed or stopped. For example, if employers can't provide a National Insurance Number for an employee, they can now select a reason for this.  

  • To claim for between 16-99 employees click here.  
  • To claim for 100 or more employees click here.   

Employers will need to enter all of the information in the right format before uploading the completed template, so their claim is processed quickly and successfully.  

When a mistake is made on these templates, the file will not be accepted and mistakes will be highlighted, meaning they are put right before the claim is submitted. This could include, inputting details in the wrong format, giving incorrect details and duplicating or failing to give the required information.  

Employers are reminded not to change the format of the template before they submit them, as they won’t be accepted by the system.  

Armstrong Watson’s payroll clients can still use our templates for making calculations and can then copy the information into the HMRC template to submit their claims.  

Employers can find everything they need to make a claim on GOV.UK, including the updated templates, a useful calculator and guidance on the information they need to provide and in what format, to ensure their claim is accepted. 

For further information regarding our Payroll services please email help@armstrongwatson.co.uk or call 0808 144 5575.

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