Automatic Enrolment are you compliant?


There are many TV and radio advertisements advising employers of their pension obligations to employees. Regulations came into force from July 2012 with the first pension, automatic enrolment obligations commencing for the largest employers, from October 2012. The smallest and new businesses, will be staging in the coming months with the larger ones having already carried out re-enrolment (every three years). But, and this is the big question, have employers being carrying out their obligations correctly? The Pensions Regulator has announced they will be commencing “spot checks”.

These are not just about hitting employers with penalties for non-compliance, albeit the enforcement team do have to do that from time to time, but it also about educating employers and helping them get back on track where non-compliance is found. You can read more about TPR’s intentions via their online press release which you can see here.


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