The Newcastle COFA Forum was successfully launched in July 2014, hosted by Armstrong Watson and Barclays. Hopefully you will have saved the date and we would now like to formally invite you to the second of the regular series.
We are delighted to continue supporting the legal sector in Newcastle by hosting the forum for COFAs to:
The forum is free to attend and open to a set number of regular attendees, all COFAs within law firms of all sizes in the North East region.
The format has been set by the COFAs that attended the first event. Although hosted by Armstrong Watson and Barclays, it is the COFAs that will control the events and how the forum will be used. Spaces are limited and strictly first come first served.
Date: Wednesday, 29th April 2015
Time: 12 - 2pm with lunch provided
To formally confirm your place, please reply to