Foundations for your future
Firms reach for the stars without checking whether their launch-pad gives them a solid platform for lift-off. Elephants in the room are ignored. Management and middle-management weaknesses are overlooked. Enquirers aren't captured, nurtured, and converted. Work is priced too low. Service standards across teams is erratic. Time is not captured or realised. Clients are given far too long to pay. Very little marketing spend is aimed at getting more matters from existing clients. Good lawyers aren't attracted or retained. Reams of financial information each month hides true positions. It is simply not worth trying to generate more leads or open new offices or bring in more lawyers if such leakage is present.
Speaker Profile – Simon McCrum
After years as a commercial solicitor, Simon moved into various team leader roles and then into various "central" roles at Pannones in Manchester - Marketing Partner, Director of Business Development, and part of the Management Team. He launched and grew the Connect2Law scheme whilst there too.
In 2007 he joined Darbys in Oxford as Managing Partner. The firm made a trading loss that year. After huge restructuring and rebuilding work, the firm had its best-ever year in 2010, and in 2013 was the country's fastest-growing law firm.
In 2016, Darbys was acquired by Knights. Simon joined the merged firm as Client Relations Partner.
Simon has now set up McCrum & Co, a management consultancy for law firms. He helps firms to identify issues and opportunities, and he goes into law firms to help them to make sure the required change comes about. The results of his work are transformational.
Date: Wednesday, 18th September 2019
Time: 8:00AM - 10:00AM