Case Studies

Case Study: Engineered Assistance Limited R&D Tax Credits

Engineered Assistance Limited are an engineering firm based in Leeds, which carries out research and development work for a new form of patient handling technology for use in healthcare.

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Case Study: Commercial Vehicle Assistance

The management team (“MBO Team”) in a highly successful commercial vehicle assistance company had decided the time was right to approach the existing owners with a view to completing a Management Buy Out (“MBO”).

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Case Study: Family Business Accountancy Restructure

A very long established family business came to Armstrong Watson for help after being with their current accountant for many years.

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Case Study: Property Maintenance


A client in the property maintenance industry was having difficulties obtaining credit due to the fact that their accountant was very slow in processing their accounts and filing them with Companies House. A previous year’s accounts were on file and profits had increased since then, yet their outdated accounts were still registered with Companies House.

This has further consequences for the business as the difficulties in obtaining credit had resulted in delays in other areas of the business.

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Case Study: Dental Surgery

A Dentist based in Yorkshire has been with their previous accountant for over 5 years. Over this time, contact had been minimal and they didn’t receive any input into other areas of the business.

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Case Study: Trustees

Couple in their mid 50’s involved in a motorcycle accident. Mrs suffered head and brain injuries. Mrs qualified for £1.3m compensation awarded under Trust. Appointed Trustees were Mr and a local Solicitor


  • Mr had to give up work to care for his wife
  • Clients needed to generate £30,000 per annum net income and ensure long term sustainability of the income.
  • Clients wanted to ensure capital could still grow in the future.
  • Mr had no investment experience

What we did:

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Case Study: Retirement Planning

Married couple both age 65 retiring now, two financially independent children and five grandchildren. Both client and partner in reasonable health although Mr had high blood pressure and angina. Looking to generate appropriate level of retirement income. 

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Case Study: The Business Owner


Mr & Mrs owner aged 66 and 64. Own and run large retail business with their children and their children’s partners.



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Case Study: The Young Accumulator


Mr “YA” aged 35, married and running a tenanted Farm. Also trying to manage his elderly parents investments and financial affairs whilst at the same time running his own business and trying to generate wealth for himself and his wife.



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